发布时间:2024-09-11 09:06:39
- 相比原始建筑,有了明显阶级区别 It has an obvious distinction of hierarchy when comparing it with ancient builing style.
- 用瓦片盖屋顶 Using tiles to build the roof
- 用了斗拱木结构 斗拱:brackets 支架 inserted between the top of the column and a crossbeam 大梁 斗拱是支撑房顶柱子和大梁的支架
- 加深房檐外挑的深度和高度 Deepning the depth and height of the overhanging of the eaves
- 具有民族特色 have ethnical styles
- 建筑装饰 building decoration 有:壁画 mural ,画像石 stone relief,画像砖 protrait brick,瓦当 eaves tile。瓦当最有名的是卷云纹 cirrus cloud lines 和吉祥文字
- 西汉末年有了青龙Blue dragon 白虎 white tiger 朱雀 red finch 玄武 xuanwu(东西南北),四神 four gods 瓦当
- 用了抬梁式(北方)和穿斗式(南方)的木结构
楼阁式塔 castle style pagoda,单层砖石塔 single layer stone brick pagoda,密檐多层砖塔 multi layers brick pagoda
- 桥的兴建 building of bridge:赵州桥
- 唐代艺术风格代表作 Tang dynasty style art work masterpiece:小雁塔
- 遗迹以寺庙居多 heritages are more about tamples
- 壁画 mural ,雕塑 sculpture,佛塔 budda pagoda
- 妙应寺白塔,以砖砌成 formed with bricks,外涂白灰coating lime,现存最大的喇嘛式塔 the larggest lama style pagoda conserved in the world
- 都城与宫殿建筑capital and palce building style,园林建筑为主 major is gardening style,园林包括宫廷园林和私家园林 contains of palace and private style gardening
- 私家园林典范:苏州园林 suzhou gardening
- 皇家园林典范:圆明园 the old summer palace